How are you feeling today?

5 min readMay 14, 2019


Have you ever questioned yourself as to what you are feeling right now at this moment?

Right now i am feeling stable! This has been the most clear and balanced feeling i have had after many days of turbulence! So back to feelings. You must be thinking why am I asking this question?!

In order to know yourself truly, you need to keep noting i.e., realizing things about yourself. You need to know what type of person you are? And what are the things that upset you and the situations that makes you happy! If you are aware of yourself you will be able to make decisions for yourself confidently. I am not saying that it’s easy. It is difficult.

But It helps you to understand yourself better, let it be positive or negative. Because if you don’t accept yourself as you are, How can you expect others to accept you as you are?

So this is how we started our session at 7th mile residential government school for girls. Girls were shocked when we asked them “how are you guys feeling today?” After a brief pause with shy smiles, most of them replied as “ good “

(now this is a broader term and depends on person’s perspective).

The moment they heard our feelings spoken out, they were lost in thoughts. And overcoming her fear, a girl stood up and nervously spoke about her feelings. We continued for few more minutes listening to few of the girls answers. What was interesting in these girls was they were confused but still they intently listened to each word of ours and responded to the same actively either it maybe through facial expression or verbal.

So we went on to talk about gender roles and did a small activity regarding the same. We made sure that session was more interactive.

Gender roles are specific roles on the basis of their sex. It is illogical and yet considered appropriate by society. We should understand that gender roles are learned and are not present in you from birth i.e., sex roles. After the activity girls started shouting out their responses. All of them have all these thoughts piled up in their mind and have understood unjustness of such roles. Both men and women are restricted to the assumed roles in society, devoiding them of opportunity to explore their true identity.

Most of the girls were beaming with that sense of happiness in realizing that whatever questions have been popping in their mind are not just stupid or nothing!

Gender roles framed through norms of society are creating suppressed humans who tend to suppress their natural feelings. In the process of suppression they are losing themselves and are not able :
to stick to societal rules (or) true to themselves.

So when they get attracted to a person most of them are in a state of confusion as they think it’s not agreeable to feel so. Once they accept that it’s common, they won’t curse themselves for the same and take things smoothly. Most of them get annoyed by proposals rather than being annoyed if they just state their opinion and response to the same they can move on from there. There are many girls and boys who have lost themselves in this confusion. As rejection feels like denial from all ways. They feel like a drifter in desert in search of something that they can hold on to, forgoing their hold on themselves.

So accepting and gauging your emotions and at the same time effective communication of your thoughts is most important. Whether it maybe conveying your interest in a person, or lack of feelings for a person or it maybe making your parents understand or going against the gender stereotypes or your occupation etc. When conveyed properly it doesn’t lead to disturbances within in your mind nor in the environment surrounding you.

Once you start accepting your emotions and understand them rather than suppressing your emotions you will be able to see yourself and what is your true wish or dreams.

From opposite sex attraction, we pondered more on attributes they like in a person.

When asked what you like about your favorite actress? Girls were giving out their answers as beauty, eyes, acting etc they were so confused of the question. Surprisingly one of the girls answered saying beauty of a person lies in their soul.

Beauty lies in their personality which is more important than outer appearance. And the ones who didn’t understand or agree with others opinion.. questioned, as they were open to understanding the contrary argument.

The last part of the session dealt with differentiating good touch and bad touch along with identifying support systems (Combined coping up skills ).

This session was commenced by asking girls what is difference between good touch and bad touch?

( Post on good touch and bad touch in the next article …)

The girls were so sensible. They stayed quiet and were listening to us briefing about the same. They already knew about child helpline number. Most of them answered police as an option for person to contact in case of abuse or harassment.

Hence we ended session by asking them to speak about what they learnt from this session and what are the changes that they are going to do from that day on….
Ended the session by mentioning to them about some of the interesting and inspiring books donated to their library..
Left them with a promise from them to read the books!

A stranger who donated a book

Keerthika met a stranger while purchasing books for girls. After she got to know about library she donated a book from her side.

Selfie with the girls!!

{At the end of session when the girls came and hugged us! The tiresomeness due to journey, weather and sleepless night.. Just vanished! :D }

The Team!

Material sources: UNICEF peer educators activity guide
Image sources: Google, Sri Vidyanjali school notice board




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